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Middle School students (grades 5-8) face many new opportunities and challenges.  At St. Anthony Catholic School we help our families make the most of these important years. We help bring young adolescents to Christ and help them develop their faith.  We provide them with a strong academic background through a faith-based curriculum, fine arts programs, sports programs, campus ministry, service programs, and social events.  At St. Anthony, students come to know Christ better and grow in their faith.

Strong instruction results in high academic achievement.  Our students consistently score well above average on nationally standardized exams and upon graduation our students are ready to meet the demands of high school and begin their preparation for college.  Many of our eighth graders continue on to high school with three high school credits: Algebra I, Biology I, and English I.  Our students are given many opportunities to excel in leadership, character development, and service.

Enrollment 25-26